Dans un souci de résistance aux effets de la globalisation et de l’hyper-concentration des industries culturelles et créatives, l’AMI collabore, mutualise et coproduit.
Elle participe au renforcement de l’attractivité du territoire en consolidant un écosystème professionnel durable et équitable pour les artistes et les opérateurs culturels. Elle s’inscrit dans divers réseaux de la filière et participe à la co-construction de politiques culturelles à l’échelle locale et internationale
Mise à jour : mai 2023
AMI, centre de développement pour les musiques actuelles
Lead partner
City / Country: Marseille / FRANCE
Laboratory : business incubator : CADO
Type of activities: Cultural development, cultural microbusinesses incubator, artists and cultural activists training, festival production, decentralised cultural cooperation.
Description: A.M.I. non for profit organisation is currently in its 25th year of existence. It employs 12 staff on a permanent basis, plus a variable number of ponctual collaborators (technicians, trainers, artists). It is bounded by a pluri-annual convention with the Ministery of Culture of
France and the City of Marseille.
It is one of the foundermembers of the renown “Friche Belle-de-Mai” in Marseille (est. 1992).
European city for arts and crafts (Italy)
City / Country: : Chiusi/Italy
Laboratory : cluster bringing together enterprises in the arts and craft sector
Type of activities: European meeting and exchange centre for artcrafts and design
Description: Created in 2006, the European city for artcrafts (CITEMA) is a cultural non profit making association based in the Borgo Dolciano, located at Chiusi in Tuscany.
It aims through its activities – residences, resource centre, exhibitions - at:
• developing and promoting artcrafts;
• transmitting and sharing know-how and expertises;
• encouraging the networking of professionals, structures as well as of public and private organisms belonging to the sector of artcrafts and design.
Production and training in contemporary performing arts (Slovenia)
City / Country: Ljubljana/Slovenia
Laboratory : local exchange trading system
Type of activities: contemporary art production, contemporary art educating programmes
Description: Bunker, Ljubljana is a non governmental organisation that
manages Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana theatre venue.
Bunker produces various contemporary performances and organises the annual international festival Mladi levi.
Active partner in various international networks, Bunker also manages an educational program including workshops on production management and technical knowhow in theatre, roundtables on cultural policy and networking.
Zunino e Partner
Advisor and architecture office (Italy)
City / Country: Albenga (SV) Italy
Laboratory : territorial governance
Type of activities: Advisor and architecture office
Description: Advisor office specialised in architecture funded by italian architect Enrico Zunino and by Jacques Mattei, french expert specialised in territorial and local development, ZeP Progetti is specialised in the valorisation of ancient centers and management and governance tools
within the territories.
Both have developped experiences in numerous european countries as well as in the Maghreb, through french decentralised cooperation.
Center for sustainable spatial development (Montenegro)
City / Country: Kotor/Montenegro
Laboratory : territorial governance
Type of activities: expertise and project management in the field of sustainable spatial development, architecture and built environment
Description: The non-governmental organization EXPEDITIO, Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development, founded in 1997, has the mission to encourage sustainable spatial development and to enhance urban and rural areas in Montenegro and the SEE region, through activities in the fields of cultural heritage, sustainable building, urban planning and civil sector development.
The activities of EXPEDITIO in the filed of architecture and built environment are carried out through four sectors:
• cultural heritage / cultural landscape ;
• sustainable / green architecture ;
• urban planning ;
• civil sector development / public advocacy.
University of Valencia
ECONCULT (Research Unit on Cultural Economics) Faculy of Economics
City / Country: Valencia (Spain)
Methodologyn modelling, Dissemination
Type of activities: Research, training and consultancy on cultural economics.
Description: Econcult is a research unit on Cultural Economics, which belongs to the University of Valencia and the Interuniversity Institute for Local Development (www.iidl.es), working since 1995.
Its areas of expertise include:
• Culture and local development
• Cultural Policies
• Cultural Tourism
• Cultural Industries (theater, music, audiovisual ..)
• Economical impact and cultural indicators
• Museums Economy and Heritage
• Musical Societies
From this wide range of possibilities, one of the main research priorities is linked to the field of sustainability, culture and local development.
Relais Culture Europe
Ressource center on Europe and culture (France)
City / Country: Paris/France
Methodologyn modelling, Dissemination
Type of activities: Ressource centre on Europe and Culture
Description: As a ressource centre on Europe and Culture, the Relais Culture Europe informs and accompanies artists and cultural actors on the current stakes and challenges linking Europe and Culture as well as on Community aims, policies and programmes.
The overall aim of the Relais Culture Europe is to help French cultural operators in including a European dimension in their professional practices as well as in their projects.
Since it was set up in 1998, the Relais Culture Europe has been assigned the task of Cultural Contact Point for the Culture 2007-2013 programme by the European Commission and the French Ministry of Culture.