rencontres pro 2010
Circuits courts, court circuits ? Marchés décentralisés…
CADO incubator
The CADO incubator, based in the PACA region, is a structure that supports cultural entrepreneurs from both commercial and non-commercial sectors.
The structure operates as a sort of “airlock” allowing project carriers to:
>>> Acquire managerial skills ;
>>> Lead the project into the process of local and international development;
>>> Encourage emulations and synergy between entrepreneurs using systems based on collaboration and mutualisation.
The incubator is intended as a tool for territorial development, as both partner and complement to the support systems and local stakeholders in economic development.
La couveuse se veut être un outil de développement territorial, partenaire et complémentaire des dispositifs d’appui et des acteurs locaux du développement économique.
Benjamin Buj
DaPünsh – Agence VJ
DaPünsh, is a laboratory for visual creation using innovative Vjing techniques for scenography.
Building on a highly personal graphic environment, the DaPünsh agency develops a systematically modular graphic identity of the events that it works on, providing the audience with that coherent alchemy typical to Vjing practices. Benj-vj (Benjamin Buj) has been developing tailor-made VJ events for over 10 years (“Flèche d’or” in Paris, “Festival du Vent” in Calvi, creation of a VJ projection room for the “Villa Mais D’ici” via the Negralux crew). It also helps to create the “Enjoy Drum’n’ Bass” evenings in Marseille with the HumanET crew.
Carlo Couvert
Audio Vidéo Service – creation, installation and technical assistance
Audio Vidéo Service is a technical service provider for the creation, installation and maintenance of sound, video and multimedia systems for recording studios, radio stations or television channels, theatres, conference halls and cutting rooms.
Audio Vidéo Service acts as a partner and support offering tailor-made solutions for all requests. After having worked in Italy 20 years, in particular for the RAI radio, Carlo Couvert is now setting up in Marseille.
Céline Dehédin
CD Music Production – management and booking structure
Provide support and advice to artists and music bands to help them develop their careers, so goes the leitmotiv of CD Music Production.
Armed with her professional experience with the media (Agora fm, Nouvelle Vague), Céline Dehédin has developed a network of music industry professionals and musicians in the Alpes Maritimes. She created CD Music Production, to provide support for emerging artists in modern music such as the bands Tchapakan and Guitare Rouge Music (GRM). She’s also a booker for Merakhaazan within Imago Production.
Guillaume Fabre
Synergie Productions – structure for the diffusion of performing arts
Synergie Productions’ catalogue, with its French song tendency (Vis à Vies, Valenza, Miassin), targets auditoriums, festivals, towns, Youth and Culture organisations…
Synergie Productions also produces shows in atypical locations such as: private evening events, home concerts, factories, farms, crèches, schools, prisons, neighbourhood fêtes.
In addition to concerts by its artists, Synergie Productions also sets up support events (writing workshops, on-stage invitations, discovering musical instruments, interventions of artists in all relay locations…) to encourage the development of cultural action throughout the territory.
Loïc Lapasset et Damien Petre
Geeksterz – development and promotion of geek culture
The Geeksterz association was created to develop and promote geek culture by bringing together players and addicts around interactive events. The first project is the creation of the “Geek & Music” festival which will be taking place on the 29th and 30th May 2010 at Friche La Belle de Mai in partnership with the “Système Friche Théâtre” and the “Cabaret Aléatoire”. This large scale event aims to gather together the different players of the geek community providing the general public with the opportunity of exploring a rich and cosmopolitan culture.
In the long run, the association hopes to create a national network with the association taking on the role of mediator, the ambition being to become a key player by leading different innovative cultural and artistic projects centred on this theme.
Franck Edouard Lavaud
Terra Sonica – agence sonore à 360°
Building on 20 years of experience in audiovisuals, the music industry and communications sectors, Franck-Edouard Lavaud created the Terra Sonica sound agency in Marseille, to offer global solutions for modern musical creations and sound communication strategies.
Terra Sonica is a new interface between private and public ordering parties, between creators, artists and sound technicians. This interface favours local resources, contributing to the emergence of a regional “sound” offer that is professional and competitive with a broad impact.
Augustin Legall
Algo – photographer
Between commissioned photographs and independent works, ALGO develops the themes of music and world cultures. His photographic approach leans towards the creation of documentaries and cultural projects in which playing music opens the way to reflection on the challenges of contemporary society.
Vincent Lillo and Lou Colombani
KOMM’N’ACT - Platform for the Mutualisation and Production of performing arts
KOMM’N’ACT, located in Marseille, is a platform for young European artistic creation, operating since 2007, to help professionalise young European artists in the performing arts. Building on a network of artists and local and European partners, KOMM’N’ACT organises “Rencontres//”, a festival for young contemporary creation, as well as working residences throughout Europe. One of its current axes for development is the creation, with the support of Europe, of a mutualisation and production platform for artists and troupes in the PACA region, with the goal of providing solutions to the lack of structure and visibility in the sector.
Marie Lusteau
Cultural consultant
With some twenty years experience as a cultural project manager in France and abroad, Marie L now offers her services for the conception and organisation of projects, communications and media relations. Her favoured areas are world cultures (music, dance and literature) and in particular films and documentaries. References as project manager (management of TV productions, journalist) and experience in the international French cultural network : Haiti, Gabon, Benin.
Valérie Pérez
Elévoix – stagecraft coaching and pedagogical input on expression and vocal improvisation
Via a pedagogical approach centred on the individual, within her élévoix association, Valérie Perez develops different angles of artistic performance. Elévoix thus provides support for professional singers working towards the enhanced knowledge and awareness of their instrument, offering them greater freedom in their vocal and scenic practices.
Elévoix also offers vocal expression initiation courses for all audiences, with the aim of encouraging creativity, self-confidence and assertiveness. Working collectively, the goal is to bring into play peoples’ abilities to listen, adapt and communicate in their relationship with others.
Caroline Randon
Cultural Management and Patronage Consultant Agency
Born from the meeting of culture and entrepreneurship, the agency is a facilitator, a decoder, offering its skills to associations, companies and all project carriers to help meet their needs for diversified resources – advice on patronage and partnership strategies – canvassing, prospection and contracting with patrons.
Cheikh Sall and Jeanne Sall
Croisement – multidisciplinary artistic group
Croisement is a structure that seeks to encourage the creation and diffusion of transversal art forms. For this purpose, it works with a group of artists, providing them with “creation to stage” support.
Cheikh Sall, founder of the ONSTAP troupe and of the Monsieur Cheikh band, initiated the project.
Music, theatre, contemporary art, dance, corporal percussion (Step) and all other innovative practices feed the spirit of the Croisement group. Its ambition is to reveal and fine-tune each person’s projects by confronting thoughts and expressions centred on universal values such as the quest for meaning, territory, identity, transmission.
Croisement is the crossing of forms and artists, the crossing of audiences and places, the crossing of words and knowledge.